Number Your Days

By: Ify Uche

I have been down here for the Christmas celebration.
consistently, I run into men and women from my village, and one constant thing is that many have grown really old.

At first, I was surprised to see them that frail and subdued, but suddenly, I remembered that I am in my 40s. This means that men and women who were in there 30s and 40s when I was a a little girl are expected to look and be old.

Whilst few look old, many already checked out.
Truth is that wherever we look, we are reminded of how transient life is.
We are reminded to number our days and to apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Fortunately or unfortunately, nobody will be here for long. For long because the older we get, the more we realize that it has not been long since we came, and the more reality hits that we are only here for a short while.

As much as it lies within your powers, make the most of every second.

Pursue your dreams with reckless abandon. Resist the temptation to make excuses for yourself.

Build capacity to draw from the deep; because the physical is an expression of the workings of the spiritual.

From the very core of your being, genuinely connect with family and loved ones.

Disconnect from anybody, anything, any environment that does not support your wellbeing.

Show yourself more care.

Forgive yourself of your errors, miscalculation, and stupidity of yesterday and forge a new relationship with yourself to foster a better tomorrow.

Live each day as though it is your last chance at living your dream.

Treat living like a project because it is.

Laugh more. Play more.

Prepare for dying because you will take a bow when the time comes, and because in living is dying.

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