Ex Navy Boys Abeokuta ALUMNI, Abuja Branch Giving Back To The Society Through Novelty Football Matches To Mark The Birthday Of Five Of Its Members.

By George Ozalla

As part of activities to mark the birthday celebrations of five of its members: Nigerian Navy Boys Secondary School, Abeokuta ALUMNI, Abuja chapter, organized novelty matches which took place in Abuja over the weekend.

It was primarily aimed at fostering unity, identifying talents, collaborating and by extension supporting the less privileged in our society to excel in the area of soccer.

The novelty football matches featured both under 13 and 15 young male football players to commemorate the five EX Navy Boys collective birthday celebrations on Saturday 18th. May, 2024 at Mpape, Abuja FCT.

In a well organized event which was attended by special guests, members of Ex Navy Boys, sports lovers, well wishers and gentlemen of the press, had 4G’S Football Team and My-Hope Football Team slugged it out during the first part of the novelty matches which kicked off at exactly 5:05 pm, after pre-match address, warm up exercises by the players, and ceremonial hand shakes with the players by some of the five Ex Navy boys’ celebrators!

After the tension soaked matches, the Under 13 4G’S football team won My-Hope football team by 1 goal to 0, while the Under 15 category of the same team lost to My-Hope Football team by 2-1, after penalty shoot out!

One of the organizers and celebrators: Ex Navy Boy, Barrister Limmy Michael Omar-Ikaige described the event as successful and used the opportunity to promise that; it was not going to be one-off event, but something they look forward to sustaining in future to help contribute the Ex Navy boys’ quota to national development.

Engr. Adeniyi Omoniyi who happened to be one of the celebrators; while fielding questions from news men stated that great talents could be identified, harnessed, nurtured and put forward to excel anywhere in the world from within that environment, he further stated that: ” five of them came together with the support of some of their friends to organize this novelty matches as a way of giving back to the society”.

One of the amazing players in the Under 13 category, who played for 4G’S, Master Destiny Reuben expressed gladness for being rewarded as the overall best player amongst the under 13 team and thanked the organizers and his coach for believing in him and presenting him with such an opportunity to showcase his football skills.

Navy Captain Godfrey B. Osoubeni, the Chairman of the Ex Navy Boys Abeokuta, Alumni Abuja branch, who sent in, his goodwill message in absentia, Engr. Adeniyi Omoniyi, Bar. Michael Limmy Omar-Ikaige, Mr Ezomo Imoukhuede Engr. Niji Aisida and Engr. Mkpat Akonsin were the birthday boys of the historic day and moment!

The Board of Directors of 4G’S Football Club, a grassroot football initiative helped to put together the friendly tournament to celebrate five Ex Navy boys’ birthday at 4G’S Recreational Arena, Opposite NIPCO Filling Station Mpape, Abuja.

Highlights of the event were presentations of awards of honour to the celebrators as well as prizes to winners of the novelty matches which included; golden cups, certificates, medals, and various cash gifts to different categories of players/teams, group photographs, entertainment of guests and after party celebration at the popular 4G’S Lounge, Mpape Abuja FCT.

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